An option for Earth-4 2 #28, Birds of Prey Vol. Event alert! DC Rebirth Reading Order - Complete Issue by Issue and Trade Reading Orders DC Rebirth Reading Order Reading Orders Welcome to our gigantic DC Rebirth Reading Order page. Almost all those issues can be found in other trades. After the event all series skip forward a year and begin telling new stories. Most of them are out of print, but you can still try to buy them second-hand. It only features the most important moments from the highest profile characters in the DC Universe. 1: Its Our Right to Fight, Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. Seven DC Comics series were spun out of the event: Blood Pack, Razorsharp and the Psyba-Rats, Hitman, Anima, Loose Cannon, Argus and Gunfire . For example if you select the Earth-1 Superman who has more than Expanded Universe Comics (2015 present), Crushing Comics Guide to Collecting DC Comic Books, Updated: Guide to Uncanny X-Men in the 00s The Trade Paperback Era, Updated: Guide to Spawn by Todd McFarlane, LIVE SHOW: Marvel Collected Editions, Thursday March 2 @ 1pm ET with Near Mint Condition, New for ALL CK Readers: Guide to Youngblood (to kick off my Indie Comics Month! 2, DC Comics Classics Library: Batman: The Annuals Vol. 2, Showcase Presents: The Justice League of America Vol. 2 #14, Events: Identity Crisis, Countdown to Infinite Crisis, Batman: War Crimes, Infinite Crisis, Batman: Face the Face, Superman: Up, Up, and Away!, Amazons Attack!, Lightning Saga, The Resurrection of Ras al Ghul, Sinestro Corps War. DC Comics continue publishing 25 of their existing ongoing titles and launched 24 brand-new series during that time, including Batman Beyond (see above, placed after the Futures End event in this reading order), Midnighter, Starfire, Justice League of America, Robin: Son of Batman, Justice League 3001, Superman: Lois & Clark and much more. Lets begin by pointing out that there is no official DC mini-era during New 52, and it is then a personal way to split the period to make it a little easier to apprehend. Included are trade paperbacks (tpb), hardcovers, original graphic novels, prestige format squarebound books, and even companion volumes! 2: Prisoners of the Past, Robin, Son of Batman Vol. Set five years in The New 52s future, Prime Earth is feeling the after-effects of war across the multiverse. L.E.G.I.O.N. 1, Batman: The Greatest Stories Ever Told Vol. 1: The Vigilante Business, Robin, Son of Batman Vol. 3: Rotworld The Red Kingdom, Swamp Thing Vol. It's a major update to the Crushing Comics guide that started it all - my Guide to Uncanny X-Men by Chris Claremont! 2: Alignment: Earth, Green Lantern: New Guardians Vol. One of the unique features of the DC Universe is the Crisis events. 2 #52, Events: Superman: Savage Dawn, Robin War, Darkseid War, Final Days of Superman. 2, The Greatest Golden Age Stories EverTold, Showcase Presents: Our Army At War Vol. Rather than serve as a line-wide reboot, Infinite Frontier keeps the previous stories canon, while making many of the pre-Flashpoint storylines canon too. This is followed by the 52 limited series and the One Year Later storylines, which explore the changes in the status quo of various heroes after the Infinite Crisis event. Happy to share what I know. 2: Your Kiss Might Kill, Batman: The Dark Knight Vol. And here we go. 6: The Secret History of Superman and Batman, Constantine Vol. We have also some new titles during that time, including Justice League of America, Katana, Constantine, Batman/Superman or Superman/Wonder Woman. If you are interested in a certain event head over to the Event section and start reading. Following is a reading order for the New 52 era, going from September 2011 to May 2016. #11-15 features another return of extant. 1, Challengers Of The Unknown Archives Vol. 5: Gothtopia, Worlds Finest Vol. Featuring weekly comic release discussions, creator AMAs, a friendly and helpful userbase, and much more! A place for fans of DC's comics, graphic novels, movies, and anything else related to one of the largest comic book publishers in the world and home of the World's Greatest Superheroes! 1, Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps Vol. Event alert! Sins of Sinister Part 4: Immoral X-Men #1 in Review! 2, Elseworlds: JLA: The Island of DoctorMoreau, JLA: Volume 12: The Obsidian Age BookTwo, Gotham Central: Volume 1: In the Line ofDuty, JLA/Avengers: Collectors Edition (OversizedHardcover), Gotham Central Book 1: In The Line ofDuty, The Worlds Greatest Super-Heroes (OversizedHardcover), Elseworlds: Batman: The Golden Streets ofGotham, DC Animated: Justice League Adventures Vol. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. 2, Showcase Presents: House of Mystery Vol. Events: Final Crisis, Battle for the Cowl, Blackest Night, Brightest Day, Superman: New Krypton, Batman: Judgment on Gotham, Reign of Doomsday, War of the Green Lanterns, Flashpoint. This is a reading order for all DC comics published in the Rebirth era, beginning with DC Universe: Rebirth #1 and currently ongoing. 1: Room andBoredom, Justice League Of America Vol. The second control is Display Order. If this is where you want to begin then head over to the DC Rebirth Reading Order and start reading. Learn about the expanded Spawn Universe and the new collections that came with it. Just head to the DC Master Reading Order and start reading. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Combat, Worlds Finest, Ravagers and Batman Incorporated (placed later on this reading order). 2, Batgirl: Ghost/Batgirl: The ResurrectionMachine, DC Animated: Superman Adventures Vol. America's leading comic book publisher brings its superstar DC motor has the advantage of 50% to 70% more energy saving than AC, and is more stable, less noise and quieter. ), Green Arrow: Volume 2: Sounds ofViolence, JLA: Volume 11: The Obsidian Age BookOne, The Flash/Superman: Superman Vs. The Mutants FromHell, Elseworlds: Batman: The Brotherhood of theBat, Birds of Prey: Black Canary/Oracle: Birds ofPrey, The Amalgam Age of Comics: The DC ComicsCollection, The Amalgam Age of Comics: The Marvel ComicsCollection, DC Animated: Batman: The Collected Adventures Vol. 2: Death of the Red Lanterns, Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 1, DC Comics Classics Library: Superman: KryptoniteNevermore, Wonder Woman: Diana Prince: Wonder Woman Vol. After going all-out fighting a brutal battle to stop Doomsday, Superman undergoes a transformation that puts the world and all those he cares about at risk in Superman: Doomed. Stories are separated by the individual universe in which they occur and are sorted in chronological order. This part of the reading order is dedicated to the non-canon comics DC has released since 2011. 5, America At War: The Best of DC WarComics, Superman: The Worlds Finest Comics Archives Vol. With the Justice League gone, Wally gathers the entire Flash Family in a desperate attempt to search the Speed Force and finally locate the missing Barry Allen. Event Alert! In the Touch Up Reading Order window, choose Show Order Panel. 3, Jimmy Olsen: Adventures By Jack Kirby Vol. X-Force 2022 in Review! Your email address will not be published. Justice League of America Vol. Event alert! 6: Superdoom, Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. We also have a few character(s) reading order : Lets begin with a listing of omnibus covering the New 52 era. Following the Convergence event the New 52 branding was dropped from all DC comics and was replaced by the DC You branding. 2: Love Stories for DeadPeople, Brave and the Bold: Volume 4: WithoutSin, Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the8thGrade, Batman and Robin Vol. 3: Emperor Penguin, Demon Knights Vol. Let's jump right in! DC Comics Comic book Reading, Writing, and Literature 10 comments Best Add a Comment jb_681131 2 yr. ago For a simple short cut the DC has multiple eras with their own continuity: 1938-1956 - The Golden Age 1956-1985 - The Silver and Bronze Age (aka pre-crisis) 1985-2011 - The 1st Modern Age (aka post-crisis, aka pre-flashpoint) The outcome of Trinity War or what will happen when the heroes of the DC Universe fall and there is no one left to stop the villains from taking over? Event Alert! These comics, at least until the 70s, can be tough to read as the plots rely on staggering amounts of coincidence and the characters tend to hammer home their personality traits issue after issue. This is a reading order for all DC comics that are deemed important or are just enjoyable comics to read. Welcome to Comic Book Treasury, a blog dedicated to comics reading order by the team behind (dedicated to novels!). 3: TheVamp, Review: Usagi Yojimbo Book 8 Shades ofDeath, Uncle Gorbys Corner Of Free Stuff: X-Men: The 1990s AnimatedSeries, Review: Sandman Mystery Theatre Vol. 1: A Stranger Among Us, DC Universe Presents Vol. Brilliant answer. 1, Batman: The Collected Legends of the DarkKnight, Showcase Presents: Superman Family Vol. 1 toBatman/Fortnite: Zero Point #6. Issues: Action Comics #6 to Legionnaires #4, Events: Jack Kirbys Fourth World, Aquaman: Death of a Prince, Crisis on Infinite Earths, First Appearances: Batman, Big Barda, Bizarro, Brainiac, Catwoman, The Creeper, Deathstroke, Doom Patrol, Jimmy Olsen, John Constantine, Joker, Krypto, Metal Men, Metallo, New Gods, Parasite, Solomon Grundy, Supergirl, Swamp Thing. Issues: Detective Comics #801 to Booster Gold Vol. Fans protesting these changes were publicly berated at conventions by co-publisher Dan DiDio. 7: The Mist and the Phantom of theFair, Sandman Mystery Theatre Vol. Combat Vol. by publication order, some selections may return no results. A comprehensive guide to line-wide DC Events - including story overviews, characters, issue lists, and how they can be read via omnibuses, hardcovers, and trade paperbacks. It's the Marvel Omnibus Reprint Poll 2023 from Near Mint Condition! 6: The Hourman and thePython, Sandman Mystery Theatre Vol. Writer: Jeremy Adams. Batman Reading Order Support For Comic Book Herald: Comic Book Herald is reader-supported. When the Display Order is set to Chronological however, the internal chronology is 2 its first major revision in several years, updating every single collected edition as well as the organization of the page. 5: Dr. Death and The Night of theButcher, Sandman Mystery Theatre Vol. Following the conclusion of the Flashpoint limited series (see Reading Order), all titles set in the DC Universe were canceled and relaunched with new #1 issues. : The Secret History of BatmaninJapan, Justice League Of America Archives Vol. By Valentina Kraljik / February 6, 2023 James Gunn and Peter Safran have taken on a big challenge in the DC Universe (DCU). If you want the most complete look at the DC Universe there is really only one place to start, way back at the beginning. Steve Orlandos Marauders #1-5Annotated! Batman: Whatever Happened To The CapedCrusader? Superman, Superboy and Supergirl go head to head with a powerful Kryptonian being known as Hel in Superman: Hel on Earth.
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