You may not think these things matter, but they do. 8F000 First Sergeant. - Selected to attend unit's Deliberate Development Crs; honed ldrsp skills--prepar'd to execute supervisor duties Soup kitchen server; prep'd food on Christmas Day/4 hrs--up'd QoL 110 underprivileged - Lead vehicle control officer; maint'd $4.2M/17 tactical vehicles/certified 31 personnel--enabled 123 on-time convoys, - Leadership style led to maximum production--ops section received 386 AEW "Team of the Month" recognition - Exemplary team player; exhibits consistent/monumental work ethic--fosters purpose/responsibility/joy in fellow peers. Volunteering is cool but during these times you may need to adjust to do something else. - Go to Amn! - Vigilant entry controller; id'd 7 curfew violations; assisted w/apprehension/processing suspects--enforced Wg stds - Enlisted Council Member! - Attentive patrolman; apprehended individual for shoplifting at BX--recovered gov't property and cited offender, - Attentively patrolled '10 PACAF airshow; safeguarded $2B in assets--55K attendees protected w/out incident Total Page Visits: 18999 o demonstrated professionalism and vigilance while defending Capitol; maintained bullet proof security of Area of Operation. - Managed CDC/PME program in deployed location; provided requirements/ guidance--ensurd100% compliance, - Managed FLT trng prgm;organiz d/train d 62 prsnl --prepar d AEW f/contingency resp/mitigat d AEW shortfall - Managed 7 curfew violations/12 UCMJ infractions; apprehend'd/processed suspects--upheld 8th Army/CC msn intent - Virtuoso BDOC controller; coached 4 future desk sgts--DPEs accomplished ahead of schedule/1 wk/+90% qual rate, - Vital member of phy security team; installed 3mi c-wire/1k sand bags/2 bunkers-- secured main logistics hub in AOR Can yall come up with some dirt bag airman bullets for me? - Sec'd AFCENT's largest ISR Squadron guarded 33 MQ-9/protected 95 personnel--enabled 5200 sorties/3600 EKIA . - Utilized $250K ID technology; validated credentials for 35K/10 DoD agencies--prevented unauthorized entries, - Validat'd 100 personnel sec clearances in JPAS; process'd 100 RABs--enabl'd unit mission with 95% turnover 8C000 Airman & Family Readiness NCO. Be known for being the person who willingly accepts all tasks, performs them to the best of your ability, asks for help when needed, and always comes to work with a positive attitude. - C3 during catastrophic power/alarm failure; monitored 1K OCNs--$1.3M US/KSA contracts awarded & completed - Revised Vehicle Control Officer Program; updated program --passed VCO inspection, now 100% compliant, - Rspnd to 3 hostile IDF attacks; arm'd 32 QRF pers/1.3 kil LSA/1600 pr swift response--awarded SNCO of the Month, - Safeguarded 13 A-10 acft; facilitated 3760 combat sorties/protected $756M in AF assets--2000 strikes/1700 EKIA 3P0X1 Security Forces. - Calm under pressure; responded to a volatile domestic dispute--quickly diffused situation and restored order, - CATM instructor, personally engaged in training over 50 operators in 13 different weapon systems - Committed to professional development; completed 48 mths exp. - Fostered three abandoned dogs; devoted 1464 hrs of time towards rehabilitation--improv d QoL/resulting in adoption. - Prop'd awds prgm homestation & deployed; drafted packages/chaired boards--garnered BTZ winner/3 mnthly winners The better the EPR Bullets, the easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR. - Mng'd sec prep f/sub emer mx; led 18 mbrs/setup ctrl twr/1K ft boundary--restored $4B nuke msn cape/4 days - Managed a Security Forces locker layout plan; > $1Million in equipment accounted for--enhanced the SFS standards - Key mbr of wg Amn's Council; drove holiday raffle/tm'd w/Sqdn Booster Club--raised $150 f/Booster Club/MEAC, - Led 12 member class; coor'd addt'l duties, uniform inspections, & cadre liaison--90% class GPA/0 disciplinary actions - Hand-selected as Detail Airman in Charge; oversaw duties of 100 amn--ensured 100% accountability/task completion - Sponsored new Amn/recent technical training school graduate; led familiarization--ensured flawless transition - Provides immediate visual assessment of all alarms within Weapon Storage Area (WSA) perimeter and structures Decisively supervised TASS operations; secured 11km perimeter -- zero mishaps, - Hand-selected f/forward deployment in support of OIR; mng'd 3 prsnl/estab'd bare base -- broadened DoD msn scope - Outstanding performer--his sustained excellence directly contributed to Bravo Flt's selection as "Team of Qtr" - Prop'd awds prgm homestation & deployed; drafted packages/chaired boards--garnered BTZ winner/3 mnthly winners, - Public svc advocate; vol'd 104 hrs to eight base & private organizations--awarded "President's Volunteer Svc medal" - Led 1st responders f/3 medical emers; org'd spt/confirmed location/relayed info/dispatch'd ptrls--asst rendered < 10min - Piloted Force Protection tactical def prgm; qual'd 55 AF/2 USA prsnl w/5.8K rnds--bolstered camp response force - Revised AFCENT FAST instrn; defined msn specific rqmts for 72 mbrs--mitigated inconsistent AO standards - Sec'd LZ nightops f/mil/civil relief msns; XX A/C, XX tons cargo, XXX prsnl, XX fire msns--crit POTUS msn rqmts, - Secured foreign dignitary aircraft, controlled security movement locations--allowed for safe arrival/departure - Vol'd 210 hrs f/prof orgs/54 hrs swim lessons/30 hrs mail room/24 hrs f/Hurricane Irma--inspired peers to vol 1K hrs - Primary C2; 100+ TASS alarms/dispatched/provided crucial IVA/executed 150+ MST's--protectd AOR's hardest target - Top rate patrolman; responded to street racing incident and damage to government--base populace protected - Exemplified wingman concept; volunteered as designated driver--guaranteed safe transportation for 10 Amn - Exhibited remarkable military bearing/ldrshp; demonstrated sense of service--instilled purpose & responsibility in peers - Facilitated Amn development; coord'd 6x ldrshp crses by John C. Maxwell/2x public speaking crs's--dev'd 130 Amn - Responded to a RQ-7 crash OTW recovery; coord'd w/TF SS--fac'd in-place det/avoid'd seizure of $750K ISR asset, - Responded to CDS at Main Gate; flawless processing of evidence/subject--unshakable case ensured conviction 8H000 Airman Dorm Leader. - Dedicated to community svc; donated 8 hrs to local business/harvested 9-acre vineyard--emulated core values, - Educated new aviators on aircrew duties; briefed surveillance responsibilities--enhanced knowledge of future leaders - Excellent leader; conducted study session with pipeline Airmen--efforts achieved desired 100% QC pass rate, - Executed close in/boundary sentry duties on alert PL-1 acft; prevented unauthorized access--ensured msn ready Represents SOLRS to allow enlisted voice heard to be heard throughout the wing! - Supervised ground security for PL-1 alert acft; secured avenues of approach--ensured an incident free mission Citizens of reddit on r/AirForce: I need your help in composing the best Whole AIRMAN Concept Softball Bullet for a SSgt that has PCS'd and won't respond to requests for information. - Close Boundary Sentry for PL-1 aircraft; ensured the safety of aircraft and crew--guaranteed mission success - Diligently monitored 100+ cameras; abtained info -- valuable for Operations of Special Investigations analysis - Identified local wanted fugitive at VCC; coordinated with local law enforcement--seamless custodial transfer, - Immediately rais d barriers for two ECP gate-runners; challeng'd driver/secur d scene--51st remains hard target The EPR is designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of an individual's job performance, leadership abilities, and potential for future development and advancement. - Selfless volunteer! - Expedited 332 ESFG AEF changeover; processed 500+ personnel/1K+ wpns; reduced transition time by 40%, - Expedited to 747 a/c ground emergency; posted as EC for emergency personnel--minimized AB mission delay - Briefed 2ID/CC f/disapline trends; Drove peninsula wide curfew policy f/10K USA/8 locations--team coined f/merit, - C2'd forces f/ 14 alarm activations; searched & cleared bldgs--sec'd vital $2.3B in PL 1 & 2 warfighting assets - AAA Coordinator & Handler; propelled Wing CC driven program--50+ hours/~200 178th WG mbr stressors reduced Followership Leadership EPR Bullets Resource utilization (e.g. - Responded to three F-16/A-10 IFEs; locked down taxiway approaches--aided unimpeded emergency access - Integral participant of the 2011 JSOH; conducted stringent searches at Branch Ave--28K personnel processed - Apprehended, processed four DUI violators, responded to eight domestic battery and five felony assault cases - Secured launch site for counter artillery attack--enabled joint force strike to deter incoming indirect fire attack - Pursued opportunities fostering personal growth; committed to excellence--improved skills as analyst and leader - Close in/close boundary sentry for PL-1/2 alert aircraft; secured acft/crew--resource integrity uncompromised, - Collected biometrics for 13.5K personnel; registered base population f/AUAB & CAS--solidified ECP TTPs More. - Education driven; completed/passed Introduction to World Religions DSST--awarded 3 credit hours towards CCAF - Vol'd 2 hrs to Wings wing picnic; involved in set up & breakdown of tables and chairs--enjoyed by >2K family mbrs - Weekend volunteer; expertly repaired/weight & balanced aileron--ensured acft met scheduled deployment time - Lead security response force member f/ CORONA evnt; 30 GOs/SECAF/DVs in attendance--AF top leaders secured - Selfless Airman; volunteered 40 hrs toward undermanned HAWC/testing 95 individuals--upheld FA integrity I need some EPR bullets for the whole airman concept and I have not done one thing this entire year. - Facilitated afld projs; SLRTI placed/AM2 road created/SF man-pwr rvw--4 mil pax gain/elim'd EOSS escort burdens Earned 16 hrs twds Health Mgmt BA/compl'd SEJPME--strngth'd Human Perf lsn f/1.6K DoD SELs - Led three no-notice readiness exercises; executed Delta AT/FP measures--guaranteed compliance w/ DoD directives - Provided critical oversight/integrity; scored 15 packages for JBC jr enlisted qtrly boards--bolstered AF writing skills - Controlled 23 in-flight & eight ground emergencies; cordoned the area--provided unimpeded emergency route Not coined by anyone! - Provided security for Senator Kennedy's funeral; crucial TCP for event--perfect execution without deficiencies 621st Contingency Response Wing Public Affairs TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (AFNS) -- Airmen from the 821st Contingency Response Support Squadron are using the Whole Airman Concept to find innovative ways to incorporate leadership development into their everyday squadron routine. - Hand-picked as Joint Controller; vital HN/US SF liaison & communication link--boosted security realtionship - Trained 90 SFG's most diverse msn; instilled knowledge/courage--enabled 24/7 watch/security of USA's nuc aresenal - Taught Amnship crse; led 59 lessons on ethics & resiliency--spt'd CSAF initiative/readied 240 Amn f/1st duty station, - Vol'd 210 hrs f/prof orgs/54 hrs swim lessons/30 hrs mail room/24 hrs f/Hurricane Irma--inspired peers to vol 1K hrs - Complet'd adversarial testing 350+ alarm points; detect'd 100% of intrusion attempts--AFI standards exceeded - Active w/Top 3; mentored First Four/organized Family Feud--enjoyed by 40+ members/boosted KAF's programs, - Adv'd COIN ops; guided 10 Guardian Angels/Grd Mvt SOPs f/2 AORs--derailed 85 attacks/21 Taliban seiz'd/5 killed - Acted as alarm monitor securing $1B+ in gov't assets; dispatched patrols--10+ alarms observed/zero gov't loss, - Active participant in local outreach programs; dedicated over 20 hrs towards 4 CDC improvement initiatives - Crucial Open House asset; devoted 16 hours to fence setup/food booth--Tucson/base relations 300K spectators, - Dedicated 12 hrs DM-50 picnic/Tucson Padres; raised $600 for sq--ensured morale for 2.4K mil/civilian psnl - Experienced Key prsnl DCAPES Operator; generat'd 150+ CED/NATO ordr's 300+ deploying personnel--0 discrep! - Conducted 10 random AT/FP Measures; 20 vehicles/facilities inspected--prevented potential terrorist activity When your Troop Doesn't Play Ball Whole Airman Concept. - Proactive patrolman; detected eighteen unsecured facilities--prevented possible property loss valued at $100K, - Proactive patrolman; enthusiastically enforced traffic regulations--enhanced traffic safety for base residents You don't always need to be the best, but you need to be known for always trying to be the best. . - Led by example; crafted & conducted PT sessions for 13 airmen--increased unit fitness readiness rate by 15% - Completed ASIST course; obtained advanced skills/knowledge/tools in suicide prevention--vital to Wing support - Selfless individual; volunteered to sponsor two inbound Defenders--eased transition for newly assigned pers, - Served as squad leader during primary's two month absence; managed 13 Security Forces Airmen--zero deficiencies - Led three F-16D ground emergencies; directed ECPs/cordons--ensured safety of munitions/$56M in aircraft - Avid SF supporter; mbr of unit intramural football team--vital to championship victory/lifted esprit de corps, - BDOC Controller; dispatches/directs SF personnel, monitors intrusion/detection comm sys--stellar command/control - Responded to gate runner; performed K9 sweeps--prevented possible threat from impacting msn/PL resources - Focus 5/6 mbr; briefed critical base support agencies/local info to 30+ Amnreinforced AF wingman concept - Assisted U.S. Graduated strenuous two week Contingency Readiness Training--deployed in support of OND, - Combat ready, graduated strenuous 17 day Desert Defender Regional Trning Center-- deply'd to support OIR mission 3P0X1B Combat Arms Training (CATM) 3S0X1 Personnel. My supervisor will be asking for bullets for my EPR. - Led logistics recovery f/17 day POTUS visit; restor'd afld/inventoried DV protection pkg--prot'd $754M assets - Assessed section's MBTI types; id'd/utilized office strengths, promoted teamwork--catapulted section capes - Community-minded; donated >$175/6 bags of food to local community food banks--provided relief to families in need - Emceed for flt award ceremony; displayed exemplary professionalism--honored seven NCO's accomplishments - Coordinated ground operations for Copper Shield mission supporting Gen. Flintstone--textbook operation See also: Military Working Dog (MWD) Handler, See also: Security Forces Awards & Decorations, - Leads 150-pers SF Ops section providing planning/organizing security f/USSTRATCOM msn & deployment rqmts, - Compiles detailed after-action reports improving future deployment strategies throughout the entire USAF, - Coordinates with over 40 host and tenant units base wide on plans, training and operations; ensured joint effort, - Dispatches & directs security forces to security incidents, threats to resources/prsnl and coords w/other emer services, - Monitors & performs function tests on intrusion detection & communication systems; accounts for classified material, - Maintains all squadron weapons, ensuring proficiency and currency to support combat operations, - Provides support to all training iterations pertaining to weapons, ensuring operators are fully trained and ready, - Prepares & submits police blotters, reports, and related documents; implements Security Reporting/Alerting Systems, - Reviews/authorizes SF personnel generated paperwork; managed time/attendance for personnel appointments, - Safeguards 31K personnel/30K acres of property, including protection level (PL) 2/3/4 resources, valued at $6.5B, - Serves as liaison to the Command Post, Maint Ops Center, AF OSI, local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, - Provides armed response for security of DoD and AF Protection Level 2, 3, 4 assets & 59 KC-135s valued at $3.1B+ - Delivered K-9 support for 12 high-vis events; SECDEF/SECAF/CSAF--perfect execution for 400+ GOs/DVs, - Demonstrated expert C2 during 55 alarms on PL 1-3 resources; ensured security of DoD assets valued at $50B - Focus 5/6 mbr; briefed critical base support agencies/local info to 30+ Amnreinforced AF wingman concept, - Guided 1st "Redington Rally" clean-up; 60 psnl/34 miles/purged 500 lbs waste--2K acres Nat'l Forest revived, - Hand-selected emcee/E-5 release party; coor'd event/recognized 184 promotees--lauded by 5/6 president & MW/CC, - Increased knowledge; completed five courses/one class away from CCAF degree--maintained a 2.7 GPA - Crucial role as sec team member for KLE msn's; improved relationship w/Syrian Defense Force -- aligned w/SOFA, - Decisively led unit patrols; ensured $167M+ assets/11K+ DoD personnel overall safety --100% accountability 3P0X1B Combat Arms Training (CATM) 3S0X1 Personnel. - Displayed excellent C2 during Schriever protest activity; directed forces/zero breaches--base perimeter secure, - Displayed impressive technical ability; delivered excellent post brief--efforts recognized/coined by Wing/CC - Combat FTM; enabled movements of 110 msns/400 hrs OTW--secured 60K acre BSZ/24K CF/$20B in assets - Hand selected as "Flight Admin"; single-handedly oversaw flt personnel actions--assured 30+ mbrs fit for duty See also: Fitness EPR Examples - Admin'd MPF PT program; picked f/Sq PTL/coord'd 16 trng sessions/rehab'd 8 testers--secured 100% ovr passing rate . - Assigned flt PTL/trainer; improved work performance f/45 psnl/energized flt--increased DPE/PFT passing rate by 5%, - Assisted S2/AT; collaborated S2/OSI/AT/FP/IN data -- evaluated enemy Tools Tatics and Proceedures/ threats - Dedicated Flight trainer; responsible f/ developing 7 Airmen--accomplished superb 93.5% duty qualification pass rate - AF ambassador; secured 10K patrons at Phoenix's "Mud Run"/6 hrs--raised $4K for children cancer research - Model wingman; participated in AADD/vol'd 12 hrs; safely dispatched/transported 18 Amn--incident/DUI free, - Organized 34 mile "Redington Rally" clean-up; coord'd w/ 6 agencies--revitalized 1.5K acres for Nat'l Forest You can do COVID-19 screening to volunteer, if your base is doing that. - Performed uniform disposal duties; collected/destroyed 2K items/salvaged/re-issued OCPs--saved DoD $5K - Community supporter! - Gathered/built gym equipment; established in shop fitness area during gym renovations--promoted health and wellness 3S2X1 Education and Training. - Facilitated Amn panel for TSgt seminar; mentored 40 supervisors on troops expectations--empowered future SNCOs Complies with/enforces standards: Consider personal adherence and enforcement of fitness standards, dress and personal appearance, customs and . - Revamped unit family care pgm/unit safety boards/EO board; zero findings/praised by IG inspectors during CI - Embodied AF tradition; participated in ALS retreat ceremony--demonstrated professionalism/esprit de corps, - Emceed for flt award ceremony; displayed exemplary professionalism--honored seven NCO's accomplishments - Worked 4 off-duty hrs at Habitat for Humanity; org'd Habistore donations--raised $5K for local at risk families - Key 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony asset; set-up/tore down 204 chairs/tables--honored countless fallen heroes, - Lead character/Black History mo play; dedicated 80 hrs/coord'd w/4 civic ldrs--showcased talent for 100 lcl attendees - AFSA VP; led 18 membership drives/fundraisers/events & tm amassed 10K volunteer hrs--raised $24K/donated $4K, - Aggressively completed 6-hrs study tips seminar/communication skills courses--enhanced personal readiness - Supported Andrews Air Show--$2B assets/250K guests safe/secured--recognized as an outstanding performer, - Supported multiple 5k runs; traffic control points/manned water stations--safe environment for over 700 coalition prs - Responded to HAZMAT ground emergency, initiated area evac; U-2 a/c--safeguarded resources worth $380M, - Responded to medical emergency; secured scene until relieved by medical personnel--victim safely transported - Overwatch security f/11 rotator msns; sec'd 2K pax destin'd to five AOR's--protected AEF cycle f/USCENTCOM ops, - Partcptd MQ-1B Predator tng; integrated ESFS/ERS operations--maximized Integrat'd Defense Force ISR capes security forces whole airman concept epr bulletshow to cancel melaleuca backup order security forces whole airman concept epr bullets Menu social listening brandwatch. - Organized 34-mile trash clean-up in local community; effort enabled off-road vehicle rally--morale for 60 psnl - Sharpened SF skills; certified on All-Terrain Vehicles, expandable baton, and Intoxilizer 5000 - AF Assistance Fund unit repgained support from over 100 personnelwg raised $100K/$30K above goal Bullet statements may be contributed using this form. - Aided response to aircraft fire emergency; provided 51 FW/CC critical information--saved $11.7M resources - Incident Commander certified; capable of assuming on-scene command during major accident--trained/ready, - Informed Top III/1st Sgt councils; ed'd on curfew stds/violation trends--equipped SNCOs to enforce USFK standards - Orchestrated airtight courtroom security for 3 CMs/11 days; coor'd MWDs & bailiffs--legal proceedings incident free, - Org'd police veh GPS install proj; mng'd ops w/6 orgs/rotat'd 106 shift vehs--enabl'd tracking of $3M in assets - Spt'd Wounded Warrior proj Ruckin for Vets ; raised $2K/1.5K lbs of food--boosted QoL for 779K warriors - Lead FS f/2 flts/62 psnl; sec'd 70 acft/1K psnl/14 days/$8.7B--sparked tm to 4 SF/1 Top III/1 AFSA/2 functl qtrly awds - Spt'd CES Booster Club fundraiser; provided 4 hrs gift wrap service--raised $500 for holiday party promote - Discovered Airman planning to use Luke AFB to traffic drugs--detained violator, transferred custody - Expertly directed dynamic team; controlled daily ops and training--100% EVAL pass rate under his leadership - Directed AF's lrgst RP program; oversaw 402 controlled & nine restricted areas--vital to USAF '16 Best Lrg SF unit, - Directed forces to nine 911 hang-ups originating in RA; coordinated to assess/secure area--resources protected - Involv'd w/base Airman council; served as judge for ROTC drill competition--fostered positive AF image/upheld stds - Airman's Attic unit rep; vol'd 4 hrs/coord'd w/5 mbr tm/unboxed 100 clothing crates--championed QoL f/3K enl prsnl . - Attended five days/40 hrs of training; graduated Master Rappel crs 1 of 10 on base certified--trained 75 defenders - Complet'd FEMA Active Shooter Crs; appli'd/develop'd 11 SF mbrs--bolster'd incident response capability/readiness, - Completed 12 antiterrorism/force protection measures; created hard target--potential terrorist activity deterred + 18 hrs formal education toward PMP certification, - Committed to Prof devlpmnt; Aced Harvard Ldrshp Crs/6 credits hrs--on track to finish bachelors deg in Fire Science - Reported major security incident on PL2 MPA; eliminated the tamper of critical assets--enabl'd mission continuance, - Represented as the First 4 Treasurer; /96 hrs/2 Wing level events/coordinated Airman promotion parties--raised $200 - Cert'd on UL/UC2 Emrg Mgmt sys; integrated Wing rspns w/IMMS pgm--instant situation updates AUAB wide, - Certified comm focal point redundancy; validated KAB C4I infrastructure--spot forged f/theater security cooperation 3S1X1 Military Equal Opportunity. - Coordinated information during ten on-base fire alarms; ensured precision response by multiple base agencies, - Coordinated sec f/joint AMEMB/USMC exercise; bolstered relationship w/39 AMEMB prnsl--100% mission success - Supervises/directs thorough searches of all transient vehicles for prohibited contraband and unauthorized personnel - Volunteered 68+ hrs at USO supporting reopening: sorted/org'd morale equip't--USO directly influenced base morale, - Volunteered as SF rep for rewrite of fledging base fitness program; instilled continuity and 100% compliance - Professionally driven Amn; Trainer/PTL/Sports&Flt Safety Rep--building ldrshp skills w/ incr'd responsibility - Responded to suspicious package report; assisted AFOSI in recovering contents without unnecessary hazard - On scene to five 113 FW klaxon activations; tactically established ECP--alert crew launched acft unhindered - Hand picked CE Escort; 480 hours providing security for CE civilian workers--base construction unimpeded - Clearly demonstrated sound understanding of SF knowledge; achieved 92% on QC--set high standard for peers - Responded to 10 IFEs/GEs; secured acft/cleared response routes/expedited EMS/Fire--zero loss of AF assets, - Responded to 19 unexploded ordinance and IED sites, established cordons, evacuated personnel, and saved lives - Supply accnt mngr; inventoried $2.2M in weapons/comm/ammo/munitions/tac equip--ensured 100% accountability - Provided support to Sq Warehouse; w/ inventory, maintaining, issuing, ensuring operational readiness--100% success, - Provided visual; 12 in-flight A-10 & F-16 emergencies; safeguarded $80M assets--landed safely w/o incident, - QB'd Op KAF Xmas; tm'd w/Chaplain, stuffed 700 stockings/wrapped 300 gifts--filled holiday void f/deployed Amn - My #1 pick to lead S4 flight; flawlessly managed unit's $500K budget/$2.1M supply acct; 300+ Amn benefited, - Obtained Oleoresin Capsicum instructor certification; improved unit trng prgrm effectiveness/personal growth - Directed largest munition acct; 770K+ rounds allocated at >$364K--330K+ rounds fired/2.5K pers qual'd - Met w/150 Iraqis' in home meetings; negotiated LN/CF interests--artfully obtained 200 pgs of actionable intel - Organized add'l flt wpn certs; 8 mbrs completed 35 hr CROWS class f/$190k system--enhanced security capes >30% - WIT phase II ex participant; performed afld damage assessment/plotted 15 UXOs--prepared 8.6K ORE prsnl Airman Against Drunk Driving (AADD) . - Quarterbacked 75 KLEs; sync'd GDA--key to regional stability KDH IAP; ptr with Director, drove airport posture fatal accident in apple valley, ca; covid test pitt county; kevin samuels zodiac sign; band music publishers; - Responded to twelve IFE's; secur'd $824M critical war fighting assets--amply result'd in AUAB msn readiness, - Responded to two suicidal gestures; stabilized patients until arrival of emergency med prsnl--saved both lives - Public svc advocate; vol'd 104 hrs to eight base & private organizations--awarded "President's Volunteer Svc medal" - Supported Badger Honor Flight; escort'd passengers to reunite with family & friends--celebrated 88 Veterans' service, - Tackled 2 college classes; earned 6 credits towards BS in Homeland Security--mentored/inspired 5 Amn to pursue educ - Assisted 115-ton dorm furniture move to VA Hospital; 90 rooms/360 items/2 days--upgraded patient capacity - Continuous prof'l development; attended Tng mngr crs w/97% final exam--integrated knowledge tng curriculum - Pursued professional development; mastered Transformational Leadership crse--refined mgmt/critical thinking skills, - Recognized SNCO leader; selected to fill senior enlisted role during Sq Sup 30+ day TDY--critical to msn continuity I can't believe you tried to undermine the squadron with this grandstanding right at end of EPR season. - Steered GIRoA Pres security; adj sec posture/coord w/HN sec svc/350 commandos--foster'd democratic election prcs, - Stellar Airman! - Contributed to 50+ TASS assessments; zero deficiencies-- security of assests never in question/threat mitigated - Attended Wg Top III write to win crs; dev'd essential writing techniques/leadership attributes--promote to SSgt, - Balanced ldrshp/education; earned six credit hours toward CCAF/Bachelors Degree--maintained 4.0 GPA/Dean's list Like a tiny acorn that grows into a mighty oak, it all starts with the lowly EPR Bullet. - Aced 4 college crs's; earned 12 credits twds Comm BS/sustained 3.8 GPA--completed 58% deg rqmts/achv'd Dean's List - Attended 3-day NCOPE crs; bridged gap between ALS/NCOA/honed supervisory skills--educated/influenced 6 Amn - Involved w/ base NCO org; served as judge for JROTC drill/fitness competition--fostered positive community bonds, - Kept Amn informed on cross-training/retraining/reenlistment options & limits--committed to thriving team - Dominated PL1 EC QC; 1/2 E-3 flt members w/certification--achieved perfect 100%/set standard for peers to emulate - Identified and detained individual for DUI and driving without a license; keeping the streets safe for all - Showcased urgency; challenged installation gate runner; popped barriers--denied access/apprehended subject, - Skilled C2 for two suspicious pkgs; coordinated multi-agency response--set cordons/evac'd 78 prsnl f/recovery - Organized Tunnels-to-Towers 5K; tm'd w/ 12 veterans f/ fire fighter memorial--raised $1.5M/local community praised, - Proactive mindset; overhauled Sponsorship Program; smoothed transition for >10 newly arrived Airmen - Seized unauthorized media device & ID'd TCN perp; thwarted possible attack against critical C2 infrastructure . - Exemplified wingman concept; volunteered as designated driver--guaranteed safe transportation for 10 Amn - Quick decision making during ERRI/CERI scenarios--executed post attack UXO sweeps and SABC care, - Quickly calmed rapidly rising tensions among 300 demonstrators, coordination prevented escalation of violence, - Reacted to five alarm activations; established cordon/maintained exterior security--safeguarded vital assets - QRF f/ in-direct fire resp; led POL/flight line prnsl to bunkers/fortifi'd sec posture--zero msn impact/mitigat'd threat - Led 186 KAF Security Zone OTW ops; neutralized 23 INS threats--creat'd 960 IIRs/disrupted multi-TB network cell - Mentored SrA on PME; restored Amn's reenlistment eligibility--unit's msn-essential personnel retention ensured - Good Samaritan; sacrificed personal time to assist a stranger in recovering adrift watercraft--unity strengthened!
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